Urban Design Skills and Training Delivering Design Quality
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Complete Subject Area Listings                                      Individual Topic Files
Urban Design PrinciplesUrban Design Principles

A cool wall : We can all urban design What is quality?  From Vitruvius to the present day Urban design principles Character and distinctiveness Continuity and enclosure Quality of public spaces Ease of movement Legibility Adaptability Inclusivity, diversity and sustainability Conclusion Passive or proactive planning Good practice publications Urban Form Urban structure Urban grain Streetscape and landscape Density and mix Height and massing Building types Facade and interface Details and Materials

Masterplanning Demystified


Perspectives on the development process ●  Design beyond style Successful places Lost in translation Current Issues Briefing Key elements of a masterplan : Strategic Frameworks The spatial masterplan  An implementation plan A spatial masterplan example Movement frameworks Urban structure Land use and landscape Urban grain and detail Streets, building types and the end product   The preparation stage The design stage   The implementation stage end product                  

How to approach a masterplan Approaching a

Preparing a site briefFrom policies to a design concept diagramFrom a sketchy outline idea to a detailed plan  ● Establishing a movement framework Define streets and block structuresThe size of blocks  ● Integrating diverse land uses   ●  Character and hierarchy of public spaces ● 

What makes a good brief?

What makes a good brief?

From a good quality brief to a good quality placeThe necessity for a clear Project BriefGood practice brief writing The management of the commission Scope of contents i Scope of contents ii Scope of contents iii Scope of contents iv A reality check: Is the brief realistic? ● The tender process

Drawing Urban Design

A Live Site Exercise: Drawing ideas on paper 

Putting marks on paperAn introduction to a live site projectHow to deal with a live sitePre-design assessment criteriaPre-design assessment criteria Drawing : The basicsDrawing : Character analysis Drawing: Site analysisDrawing: Green corridorsDrawing: Character & functionSummary drawings ● 

Urban Design Policies


PPS1 and design guidance Best practice policy framework Regional policyStatutory and non-statutory toolsLocal Development FrameworksFrom national policy to site specific guidance ●  

Controlling Design Quality

Controlling Design 

The role of central and local government in the control of design   Freiburg: A journey from a nuclear to a solar city Space shared versus space as commodity  ● Freiburg: An intricacy of procurement and designComparable small scale uk examplesComparable larger uk examples ● Values, planning and design ● Design leadership: Where control ends and living begins ●

Stewardship and Governance of Urban Space

Stewardship and governance of space 

Holly street Hackney   Management of space: Accordia Cambridge Accordia: Overall and detailed layout ● Accordia: The development process ●  Accordia: A community website Accordia: Section 106 uses ● Accordia: The importance of secured management plans and structures ● Management structures: Argyle Street Cambridge  ● Poor quality design and management discussed

Urban Development Process Roles and Responsibilities

   Development Process:
 Roles & Responsibilities

Ten steps to an excellent project: i: Strong client leadership. ii: Successful programmingiii: Learning from other projects iv: Producing a clear brief           v: Realistic financingvi: Integrated processesvii: Appropriate skillsviii: The contextix: Sustainable developmentx: Signing off key stages

Urban Development Integrated Teams

   Development Process:
      An Integrated Team

Moving away from box ticking Looking at the process in addition to the product Establishing core valuesAn integrated teamA masterplanning teamAn integrated design solution Benefits of integration  ●

Urban Development Process Project Management

    Development Process:
      Project Management.

Introduction iIntroduction ii  ● Defining a projectMapping a project life cycle from concept to closureWhat good project managers doProject life cycle achievementsThe concept stageWhat is a stakeholder?Project indicators and targets FeasibilityThe primary players in the development processTypical project organisation ●

Urban Development Project Management and Design QualityDevelopment Process:
 Project Management and    Design Quality


Managing and influencing design quality What is quality?Objectivity and subjectivity in establishing quality standards Project quality planning, assurance and control Controlling design quality Stages of project quality influence Efficiently influencing design quality 

Procurement Routes and RiskDevelopment Process:
 Procurement Routes. Distributing risks between the parties

Procurement and procurement routes Design RisksMain procurement routes Main contract types Traditional contracts and client risk exposure Design and build contracts and contract coverage Design and Build contracts and client risk exposure Design and Build: Risk transfer Partnering and contract coveragePartnering : A discussion of riskSupplier selection and probity  ● Supplier selection criteria ● Potential pitfallsWorking at riskSelection processes : The EU Procurement Directive ●

RIBA Work Stages    Development Process:
   The RIBA work stages      and the Planning process  

Thinking beyond Planning Stages A-B: Appraisal & DesignOpportunities and constraints analysis Broad design optionsStage C: Pursuing a preferred development option Progressing Stage C detail Stage D: Design developmentDetailed layout drawing proposals and 3D modellingDesign and Access Statements and additional planning documentation Stage E: Technical designStage F: Production informationStage G-H: Tendering Stage J-K: From construction to completion ●  Stage L: Post completion

Sustainable Development Renewable Energy

 Sustainable Development:
        Renewable Energy

Reducing fossil fuel consumption: Energy assessmentsRenewable technologiesEnergy and carbon emission factorsAnalysing a development proposalDomestic energy demandsRenewable energyEnergy demandCombined heat and powerCHP energy flow diagramDiagrammatic energy flow diagramsRenewable technology: windWind projectsRenewable technology: SolarRenewable technology: Biomass ●  Renewable technology: Heat pumpsSummary of energy assessments  

Delivering Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development:

The evolving built environment'Drivers' in 2010'Drivers' by 2020?Using less to do moreOne World Community: 10 principlesCarbon reduction (i) Carbon reduction (ii)Carbon emissions case study: Sheffield A carbon strategy applied through timeIntegrated design: Climate changeSustainable urban systems: passiveActiveDistrict heatingGreen buildingsInertia: Breaking the 'cycle of blame'   

Code for Sustainable Homes

            The Code for
      Sustainable Homes


The Code for Sustainable HomesCode levels and mandatory requirementsMandatory requirements (ii) Mandatory requirements (iii)What is zero carbon?Fabric and Energy Efficiency Standard and Code ComplianceCarbon compliance and complexity of 'Allowable Solutions' Proposed energy changes and Code levels  

Five exemplary housing projects          Five Exemplary
        Housing Projects

Allerton Bywater : A site visit Vauban district, FreiburgNewhall, HarlowBourbon Lane, White CityAccordia, Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge

A planning perspective   A Planning Perspective

A discussion between local government  town planning staff offering an insight into some of the issues that might typically be considered during an assessment of a site and its prospects for development.

Rob Pearson HCA     An HCA Perspective


Joining up investment ●  Preparing a context for livingCreating affordable homesFunding source examplesLayers of business planningRethinking investment in a post-recession market Integrating an array of diverse planning objectivesThe complex strands of planning Reconciling potentially conflicting prioritiesSustainability ●    

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Delivering Design QualityHATCmae architectsPaul Drew Urban DesignUrbanNous
WSPmatrix urban design